The pursuit of continuous improvement
Regardless of whether we are talking about our production, materials or products, our heart beats for the environment. Whichever staircase you choose from our range, it is a good environmental choice. And we work to constantly get better.
Earth's forests offer many different types of wood. The ones we have selected and offer you come from forests, plantations and suppliers who work for sustainable forestry. All the wood that is included in our products is FSC-marked and we try to work with FSC-certified suppliers of, for example, printed matter and paper as far as possible.
Many of our stairs are registered in Basta® and the Swan's homebuilder portal, and most of our products are assessed in Sunda Hus and Byggvarobedomningen. We are also a member of Repa and the Norwegian equivalent Grøn Punkt.
We strive to constantly improve and minimize our climate impact. From efficient transport logistics to low emissions. You can change the stairs with a good environmental conscience. According to the analysis and environmental declaration from SP Trätek, the average carbon dioxide emission from the manufacture of a normal lacquered staircase is approximately 32.4 kg per staircase. This corresponds to approximately 16 miles of driving in a normal family car, but unlike the car's fuel, wood is carbon dioxide neutral as it is a renewable raw material.
When your stairs have served their purpose, they can be recycled. This is mainly done through energy recovery. As much as 94 percent of an ordinary staircase consists of renewable raw materials. Wood contains a lot of energy and everything can be reused. Approximately two percent of the stairs consist of metal in the form of fittings, screws etc. which can also be completely recycled.